Our Team

A dynamic network of research professionals

Decisive Information Group is comprised of a dynamic network of research professionals, each with specific areas of expertise and industry experience.  Through this operations model, we are able to customize our teams to support the unique requirements of each project, thus offering our clients the most talented, skilled team, cost effectively.

Lynn DeVon is President of Decisive Information Group (DIG Consulting) and has over 30 years of business experience in market research and strategic planning.  Before founding DIG Consulting in 2002, she held senior executive positions at various companies and research consultancies, including Visa, Inc., McCann-Erickson, Inc., Burke Market Research, NOP World / ASW (now GfK) and Golden Gate University, where she held the position of Marketing Department Chair.

Lynn has been a speaker locally and nationally and has periodically taught courses in marketing in the Ageno School of Business at Golden Gate University, the Marketing Department at San Francisco State University and the Faculty of Economics at the University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. She is a member of the Marketing Advisory Board at Golden Gate University and Past President of the San Francisco Bay Area American Marketing Association.

Lynn received her Ph.D. in Marketing from Golden Gate University and a Master of Science in Marketing Research from the University of Illinois. She was awarded the Richard D. Irwin Fellowship for the advancement of customer satisfaction in services marketing for her dissertation: Building Repeat Business The Influence of Customer Satisfaction and Personal Attachment on Repeat Purchase Behavior in a Service Setting.

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